From the (small) Hermetic collection of works found in the Nag Hammadi scrolls, the Prayer of Thanksgiving is said aloud before a meal. Something to note here is the oblique lack of "hellfire and brimstone" threats. No mention of begging forgiveness of trespasses or who's will is supposed to be done on earth as is in heaven. Instead, we have a heartfelt piece of prose written to convey a deep and lasting affection for a father from a child. It is not meek or subservient. It is not with fearful compliance that a person would say such a prayer; it is instead with confident steadfast love and devotion, knowing that the All wants to give this knowledge and compassion freely with no strings attached.
"We thank you,
every soul and heart reaches out to you,
O name free of trouble,
honored with the designation god,
praised with the designation father.
To all and all things come fatherly kindness and affection and love.
And if the instruction is sweet and simple,
it grants us mind, word, and knowledge:
mind, that we may understand you,
word, that we may interpret you,
knowledge, that we may know you.
We are happy,
enlightened by your knowledge.
We are happy.
You have taught us about yourself.
We are happy.
While we were still in the body
you have made us divine through your knowledge.
The thanksgiving of those approaching you is only this:
that we know you.
We have known you,
light of mind.
Life of life,
we have known you.
Womb of every creature,
we have known you.
Womb pregnant with the nature of the father,
we have known you.
Eternal constancy of the father who conceives,
so have we worshiped your goodness.
We ask one favor:
we wish to be sustained in knowledge.
We desire one protection:
that we not stumble in this life."
An added note at the end of the prayer states, "When they prayed and said these things, they embraced and went to eat their sacred bloodless(vegetarian) food."
Wow, I really like that. It gives you the sense of a child looking up longingly and in awe of daddy.
I know, right? I think this Hermetic prayer conveys the deepest truth in gnosticism; the good god wants us to be loved and feel loved because we deserve it. It is our birthright. Not because we've jumped through so-many hoops that it satisfies some bent egotistical mania he possesses. Because the good god is not egotistical in any way. He knows what's what and doesn't require our blind subservience.
This Hermetic prayer properly shows the type of proper adult relationship which is possible with the good god. Confident yet endearing and enduring. Questing and yet calm in devotion.
And yet on the path to gnosis we all go through a childhood of sorts. Our exploration of strict dogmatic religions is part of this childhood experience. When we 'grow up' and find the good god we realize just how little we needed the pomp and ceremony of the fearful branches of Christianity of our youth. Our gnostic childhood when we first find him is quite exciting!!!
Thanks for the comment, Paul. It's always nice to hear from you!
Peace and blessings...
I am in awe that I found your blog. It is just my kind of topic. I am a Sufi, but I feel deeply connected to Gnosticism and Hermeticism. This prayer is beautiful. Hoping to find it in my Gnostic Gospels book. Thank you. Hope it is ok to add you to my blog roll. If not, please let me know.
Lover of Love, I am so glad you tripped across my little space in the blogosphere! I would be happy to be added to your blog roll and I see that you have quite a number of blogs yourself. I do enjoy seeing what other gnostics are reading and writing. Spread the love, right?
I could wallow in Rumi's writings all day and night. He is so blunt in his adoration of the All that he appeals to those who get so easily confused by the more metaphorical gnostics. Those riddles and poetic tongue twisters throw people for a loop more often than not. Rumi is truly universal. He is like chai tea for the soul.
I am blessed to have you visit and blessed to make your acquaintance.
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