In response to the Center For Inquiry's "Blasphemy Contest" held November 16th of this year, an article was written by the Politics Daily site and the readers were positively hateful.
The winning phrase for the contest was, "Faith is no reason."
I like it.
Anyway, a logged-in fan for Politics Daily called "Pernin" wrote, "If your God had not created this universe,and humanity,there would be no one to commit transgression against His moral law,no one to commit evil deeds,no one to be saved,and his "SON" would not have to die for no body.If you love your God,ask hime to accept the responsibility for the bloody mess He had created.If the machine breaks down,don't blame the machine,blame the engineer."
Well, damn. If that doesn't just whack that nail right on the head. I'd laugh if I wasn't so busy shaking my head in awe.
Kudos to Pernin.
And lovely Maggie puts her two cents in after a particularly wordy entry by a creationist. "I believe in THE one and only eternal GOD. .....Somehow I missed your point in your comment. However, I will vote you down."
Maggie, Maggie, Maggie.....reading is so hard. And stabbing another Christian in the back so easy.
And she continues! "As for me and my household, we shall serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15. ...We will all be judged. Be ready fellow human. God loves you whether you like it or not!"
Well hell's bells, woman. I don't want to be loved by a hungry, narcissistic boa constrictor. Thanky kindly, though.
PS. I've read through the Center For Inquiry's site and while they are very... open minded... they're a tad too irreligious for my taste. The anarchistic gnostic in me enjoys a few of their article concerning freedoms being fought for/lost/etc but the overall theme is atheist. Which I am not.
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