Gnosis accessible through Buddhist techniques.
It's been oh.. three weeks since the classes started. I shrugged it off because I was neck deep in research writing other articles. Typical me. I am a professional excuse maker. (You should see me find things to do when the kitchen floors need scrubbed!) Anyway, I finally logged into my meditation class this afternoon.
Discovery #1: I suck at traditional meditation techniques. The Week One vid was nice. Easy. Laid back. Nice motif. Beginner stuff.
Discovery #2: My brain is confused. I'm taking a meditation class and my consciousness goes flying. WRONG CLASS! This isn't astral projecting, I kept telling myself. That's tomorrow. This is passive meditating. Passive meditating, ok. Emphasis on the passive part. I try again. And again. And once again. I give up after the fourth time I lift up out of my body, knowing that this is just not my cuppa white pear green tea. I don't meditate the way they teach and obviously my consciousness is so bored that it wants to go anywhere but in the room with the computer monitor and headphones.
I can't do this introductory stuff. It's irritating. I wish I could skip ahead. But their system wont let me. I have to wait seven days before the next lesson will be available. I'll write about Week Two when I go through the material next week.
I think I've stumbled upon that site a time or two. Haven't taken any of the courses though. Does it cost money?
Nope. Nadda dime. Pretty cool!
They accept donations, of course, but it's funded mainly through patrons of their physical center locations where they have actual classes. The online version of some of these classes are basically talking you through actions and visualization techniques. Definitely has a Buddhist slant. But without the atheism. Atheism has no place in gnosis. But Buddhist techniques are wonderful tools to access the parts of the mind and soul which gnosis resides or can reach through to Pleroma.
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