Monday, August 13, 2012

Learned or Just Innate Laziness?

I don't want to spell out specifics on this topic, I'm sure you can think of at least ten different scenarios in your own life, but today it hit me as hard as a fifty car train on full speed-- what the hell is wrong with people?! Yes, it was one of those days where only a blanket sort of question could cover all the bases. The expletives were bad. Fortunately(or not) they were all in my head. Saying things aloud just doesn't help anymore. Like seeing an asshat driver doing something totally stupidly dangerous and you stamp your hand on the wheel ten times to honk your horn at them in frustration only to discover that your horn doesn't work. I actually do know what that's like. Both horns are broken in both our cars. So yes, very frustrating.

I'm starting to think that my own generation is the 'learned' lazies and our children's generation is the 'innate' variety of lazy. It's just so much easier not to do something even though it's staring you right in the damn face. Because you know someone else will probably take care of it. I wasn't raised lazy but another close family member was. The contrast in our personalities is a stinging reminder of just what divides us. It's aggravating as hell to deal with.

School for our boys starts on the 20th. Yippy Ki Yay. I am resolved(that's getting to be a joke) to doing only two things this year while they are in school: working and cooking dinner. Nothing else. Nada. I'm not getting caught up in all their school bullshit and letting them run me into the ground like I'm some sort of magician or wishing well. 

No yelling, no screaming, no reminding. They can get behind all they want but they aren't crying to me about it. Their father is going to be the kind and loving shoulder they can whine to or cry on; or at least try to. I don't think they're going to get very much compassion from him. I think now that they have been getting way too much compassion actually and it's led to a situation where they'd rather talk about something rather than do something about it. There is such a thing as talking something to death. I've reached the end of my rope. I'm tired of talking and talking and talking and nothing changes. I write reminder notes until my fingers bleed and it does nothing. Their eyes glaze over and they don't even see them anymore. 

So, no more reminding. I'm letting people take care of their own problems. I've got my own to deal with and they don't leave me very much time to listen to repetitive nonsense.

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