Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Save the Surprise?! Bizarre Satanic Olympics Ceremony

Alright, so I thought I'd peek at the Olympics news. Lordy I wish I hadn't. Remember that dream I had about the clouds and gas? Lo and behold I found this video of the Olympics opening ceremony rehearsal and nearly fell off my bed n horror. Here's a screenshot of the vid:

Click on the picture and it'll take you to(in another window/tab) the page which has the video itself. Pay careful attention to these things as you watch:

In chronological order:

"Save the Surprise" is flashing constantly on the big screens at the top of the stadium. Save what surprise???

See the upright faux tree looking thing almost in the center of the floor plan? A May pole, probably. Just to the right of it you'll see a chimney with smoke coming up out of it constantly. Some reports said that it smelled like sulfur. Not sure if that's true or not but it's true that the smoke kept coming up out of it the whole show and there were a few others scattered around if you look closely.

Oh and look at the lovely clouds floating around across the 'sky' in the arena as part of the set up. The smoke + clouds are what nearly made me have a twitch fit because of the dream. But it gets better. Keep reading and watching. The videographer did a great job at pointing things out.

Notice all the pyramids across the top of the stadium? Illuminati symbolism.

Skip the Mary Poppins stuff if that isn't your cuppa tea but when you get to 8:43 and slowly watch it then it'll all come together and you'll be literally saying to yourself exactly what the video compiler wrote at the top of the screen, "What the fuck is this hell?"

What hell he's talking about is the 'building' to the left goes through a bizarre metamorphosis which leads to GUNFIRE in several directions and, the house implodes and suddenly the stadium looks like it's burning in the fires of Hell. Freakier than I can even explain. Just watch it!!

Just as the gunfire rings out you see in big lit letters behind it, ".... for everyone!"  I'd love to see what the first part of that sentence was. What, 'Bullets for everyone?" I seriously doubt it was 'cupcakes' for everyone.

10:56  The song of "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles" with everyone(literally!) blowing soap bubbles was.... disturbing, honestly. Smoke and bubbles wafting upwards... I don't get it. It might be a Brit thing but after the dream I had it just gave me the heebie jeebies especially with as somber as everyone sounded.

11:30 The almost 15 second nod to Amy Winehouse was kinda nice.

12:00 I didn't get the reference to the heartbeat/lighting going around the audience... and GOSH? The lighted paneling on the ground floor was odd. Like a smiley face or something with the word GOSH underneath. Anyone have a clue what that is?

Starting at 13:35 you'll see a bizarre ritual playing out and the videographer spells it all out. This was actually vid taping of the 2008 Beijing Olympics where they mimicked the Tavistock bus explosion. Creepier than all get out. I think the videographer included this piece to show you that it's not just this year's Olympics which has some questionable choreography; supposedly this stuff has been going on for a while. I haven't a clue how long. Haven't researched it yet.

Now even if you skip to the cute little singing part on top of the bus and dismiss all the symbology you have to still admit that the whole thing is downright odd. "Gonna give you my love. Want a whole lot of love." For 13 victims? What?!!  The song is seriously at odds with the act. So I'd advise watching it from 13:35 on through to get the whole gist of what's going on to see the spectacle for what it is. And Aleister Crowley, remember that name that's mentioned. I have a blog post about him in a few days. 


Update: I wrote this blog post on the 29th and forgot to post it. Now today when I did publish it I went back to click on the video to watch it again and... it's deleted! This message appeared: 

"Sorry, "Satanic Olympics opening ceremony rehearsal 2012 London" was deleted at 2:20:06 Mon Jul 30, 2012.

Vimeo has removed or disabled access to the following material as a result of a third-party notification by International Olympic Committee claiming that this material is infringing: Satanic Olympics opening ceremony rehearsal 2012 London."
I looked for it in YouTube and it's not there, either. They were very thorough. 

Sorry, folks. This is the New World Order censorship at it's finest. I'm just glad I found it and wrote the blog post with descriptions of what was in the vid before it was deleted. I'm very sorry you can't see the vid anymore. It was instructive, to say the least.


Paul said...

I was thinking of you and your dream the other night when I was on you tube. Check out "Thousands Die At 2012 London Olympics" It refers to the Illuminati, how they gave warnings through movies about catastrophes that have happened, and how they are warning that something is going to happen at this years Olympics, and how they are behind the new world order. Interesting if nothing else

Angel said...

If their goal was to confuse and incite fear(a goal I've now heard has something to do with energy tapping) then why did they take the vid down??? I don't get it. Wouldn't it be in their favor to keep it up?

I WILL go check out that vid you're referring to. Tonight. Poor hubby is sick. Gotta tend to watch him for a bit while he's on new meds. I'll comment again after I find the vid, just wanted to get my fresh thoughts down here before I flaked out and forgot.

Thanks for writing in, Paul. Glad to know I'm not the only one looking at this stuff. We're not dumb, ya know? Well.... unless you count people who can look at the same ol' same ol' on a daily basis, see that something is drastically different and still say, "Nah, I'll figure out what it is some other time or let someone else do it for me."

Now that's dumb.

Angel said...

Is that the one you're talking about? AGREED- a very good vid! I was pretty shocked at the parallels.

Then again, hubby and I have been watching Deep Space 9 all the way through and we're now at... season four, I believe. I keep thinking, "The Federation is the UN, the Cardassians are the Russians and Germans, the Bajorans are the Israelis... coincidence much? Not so much."

So many parallels between heightened security situations which happen on Earth with the Founders and what humans really would(and HAVE!) do in that same situation. Put a soldier on every street corner so we all feel safer. Because you know it's for our own good.