Sunday, November 11, 2012

Absent and Now Returned

This blog disappeared for a number of months for a few reasons. A few I can go into and a few I just can't. My apologies for the extended absence. A few Readers have written me wanting to make sure I was still breathing. I am, thank you for your concern. And I hope that the blog continues to exist for quite some time. 

#1 Reason-- I began to receive some pretty scary harassing messages from people. It wasn't your typical literalist Biblical bullshit of, "You're going to hell, bitch! Quit preaching all that love and unity and shit. We hate you!" No. That I can handle. I just shake my head and hope that one day that person finds peace. 

This was more sinister. I research and sometimes even bring to you some of the topics which I find are directly affecting people today. Things like vaccines, education, genocide, political lies and maneuvering, warmongering that my own country is perpetuating, and oh yeah... some religious stuff I find interesting along the way. 

The blog has morphed from a religious documentary of my evolution in gnosis into a (sometimes)rant filled diary about the injustices I see and read about. I can't apologize for that. This blog is personal and I have a really difficult time dividing my attention to write about only certain topics. My husband says that that he (now!)"likes that I'm not a mindless drone" and that I read so much about the world. That didn't used to be the case. I used to drive him crazy bringing up topics like this to discuss. But he's evolved along the way, too. He understands that I can't sit idly by and watch the world turn upside down. The more I talk the more he listens and I can see a subtle change taking place with him over time. This has been gratifying.

These threats, though, have become personal and terrifying. My computer was hacked. My husband's  computer was hacked. My husband works at home and his work computer was in danger because it runs off the same ethernet system. Granted, his employer's firewalls are world class but still, the danger was quite real. 

It's taken all this time to get stuff straightened out so that I can feel somewhat safe posting online again. That does not mean that danger isn't present. I've been hearing and reading about other blogger's websites which have been ripped down for talking about the very same things I do. Obama's NDAA bill doesn't only purport to protect us from foreign terrorists, it claims that American citizens should be thrown in jail without legal representation in exactly the same manner-- and for reasons which should make us all take a hard look at where we are and how exactly we arrived here-- for stating opinions which go against the government, discussing political events with the express purpose of inciting change(I didn't say violence- I said change), and simply being an activist in general. You don't have to say things like you're going to murder someone or say that you're planning some awful bombing. Nope. All you have to do is talk about how shitty the government is and BAM! you're on the NDAA watch list as a possible civilian terrorist. 

Free speech is no longer a right. 

I read a story a while back which was in all the alternative news channels about a woman who was an Occupy activist. She was arrested and thrown into solitary confinement for months without trial or representation. Why? She and two of her buddies(who weren't even in town at the time!) were accused of being involved in violence which took place at an Occupy rally. After months of her friends and family screaming at news stations, writing letters and calling congressmen, and general mayhem, the woman was finally released. Her two friends have not been released and their ordeal has no end in sight. If that first woman had no friends and family who knew where she was she'd have simply been yet another desaparecido.

In the end we have to make a stand. What are we willing to put up with and for how long? Do we run for cover from our own government when WE are supposed to be the government itself? We elect people who no longer represent our opinions. Lobbyists and corporations rule the land, not us.  Our 'representatives' are bought and paid for, with only a few exceptions. 

If my blog is torn down then so be it. At least I was able to enlighten a few people and pass along some information in my brief time here. 

I plan to keep writing and keep hope alive. 

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