Saturday, July 21, 2012

Donut and Soda Bottle-- a mental challenge!

For more than a year I've been seeing a bizarre image appear within my mind in times of intense stress and insomnia. This image has refined and smoothed out over time and thankfully my understanding has grown with precisely what it means. 

I would like to hand this challenging riddle from the All over to you, dear Readers. In exactly two months' time I will post a bit more information about it. Meanwhile, let the information tidbits simmer and stew in your mind and see what you come up with. Post in the comments area; I look forward to hearing from you!

The initial image is this: a donut-like object and a carbonated soda bottle, like the 'old' Coca-Cola bottles.  

Hint #1: Figure out where each item goes and what astronomical phenomenon it can be equated to and then you'll be galloping in the right directions. Once you figure out what the phenomena is it still takes some mental leg work to get to the finish line.  The image is just the beginning.
Hint #2: It has not a gosh darn thing to do with food. These were just the two items shown to me which were the shape equivalents I could understand.

Alright, there you have it. There's the challenge. Don't forget to comment and we'll see where this ride takes us.


Anonymous said...

Oh, this has me thinking in every direction.

Here's my guess:

Photon belt and entering into a new age(Aquarius) and the aligning of the planets/middle of the galaxy(don't know if this is true, but it's a theory). The Cola bottle is the line of planets and whatever else goes into the line, because the bottle is sort of the order of the planets(little to big and medium again, like an old Cola bottle shape.) The donut is the photon belt and it goes around the bottle and takes us into a new age.


I have no idea if any of that made sense, but that's my guess. :)


Angel said...

That is a very good guess, Merry! I will confirm this: It does have to do with certain cycles.

Keep thinking and pondering. Write in any more insights you may have. And remember that in less than two months I'll post more hints. Over on the left hand side of the blog is a "Subscribe and get updates through email" area for you to enter your email address. I can be pretty sporadic in my posts; that could be a good way to keep updated.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm already subscribed to your blog. :)

Hmmm...Cycles? The first thing that came to mind was of course the end of the Mayan calendar, but that wouldn't fit, even though we are going out of the age of materialism.

The next thing that came to mind was how we go through cycles of our own. The donut shape is like a pacifier type thing(teething ring?) and how almost all of us are in the baby stage of things. The bottle is the next stage where we can walk and drink on our own(and we have all of our teeth :P). Sort of how Pleroma treats us. Right now, since I'm just starting out, I'm in a 'baby stage' with Pleroma; he talks a lot to me and guides me a lot as well. It's nice, but from reading your blog and a few others, I know one day he'll let go. And that's okay. ^_^
