Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Smiling Gnostics

Saw a funny comment the other day on a YouTube vid. "Why don't those gnostics ever smile?"

I admit, it made me laugh. Then it irked me because the video wasn't talking about anything ANYONE would smile while discussing. But maybe that's not really the point.

Why don't gnostics smile. Hmmm.

Man, the world is freaking hilarious!!!! But most of the time it's not funny in a ha-ha kind of funny. At least not to us. Most of the time it's an eye-roll-and-a-sigh kind of funny. And not because we don't love to have fun and laugh at ourselves or other people doing ridiculous things.

It's the perspective.

We're not emo. Au contraire. We're passionate, chaste, cavorting, praying, loving, LIVING human beings just like you. We are everyone and everything imaginable.

With the gnostic perspective the wool comes off the eyes and truth glares rather harshly. We can't put our hands over our eyes and no amount of sunblock will kill the blinding rays of the truth. Once your eyes are open they're open for good.

This makes it difficult to judge a lot of things except by waiting a sufficient amount of time for actions to be completed. This 'lack of smile' you think you see from us is really patience. Patience which we have learned to nurture within ourselves because that is the only way to spiritually survive.

It's like watching a car wreck in slow motion. You know it's happening. You're watching it with your own eyes. Your own senses. You know somebody's going to die. You just don't know who or exactly how. And you won't know
exactly how to help until everything quits moving.

Sometimes we're given nudges from the Good God telling us that we need to be somewhere or do something or say something to a particular someone. We won't know why. I'd say that 75% of the time we figure it out. The other 25% is a total mystery. And so we live with mystery in our lives. We don't always find answers but we do continue to search with open hearts and minds.

So why don't gnostics smile?

We do. But explaining and describing the car wreck that is this planet to you can be a bit draining on us emotionally. What we can say often has the potential to be misconstrued. And we don't like being misunderstood. So we try very carefully to choose our words. Caution is the better part of valor. Not because we have anything to hide, but because we love you so much. We see you in us. We feel a divine connection to you and want to protect you and we cannot always do that. Sometimes it's just not meant to be. Sometimes we're meant to piss you off! Even when we try to pick and choose our words so carefully. And sometimes we're nudged that you need a certain... harsh variety of truth. It goes both ways. But when we speak to you we understand that we are ultimately speaking to ourselves because you are part of us in spirit.


Steve Truebluehealer said...

Good piece to make a talking book video of Angel. Hope you're practising.Hope your new computer comes up to Obama safety standards. Speaking of Standards uh.. where is his birth certificate?

Angel said...

Oh I plan on it!

I think his birth certificate is in an office which mysteriously burned down oh say... right around the time he decided to run for president.