Monday, July 23, 2012

Blog News

I decided a few months ago that I can't let my blog be only about spiritual matters. You might have noticed that with a few of my oddball recipes I threw out here and you were probably scratching your head thinking, 'What the hell? I came here to learn about gnosticism and...'

Well, here's the thing. I love food way too much. I also love learning about the natural world around us and sharing that new knowledge with others. I have so much knowledge and experience to give, too. I want to share recipes for healing ingredient combinations for hair/skincare as well as food recipes. As gnostics, sometimes we can be ambivalent about food and exactly how hedonistic we should be about it but the facts remain: our body needs it and our senses crave it. If we shut off our taste buds then we might as well shoot ourselves in the head because life isn't very fun when you eat cardboard. 

Also, healthy ingredients(NON-Big Pharma and GMO!!!) for both food and hair/skincare is being ferociously debated right now in every political forum on Earth.

Big Pharma: "We can patent this herb! I know we can!"
United Nations: "No, but if you prove that it's dangerous....."
US Surgeon General: "....or tweak the genetic structure of the plant then you can patent it! Not that it'd be so wonderful for humans to use because they'd end up with genetic defects of their own or even cancer after a generation or two but we don't really give a crap. Go ahead splice genes, inject whatever chemicals you need to, and make sure that our next big political fundraiser is lucrative."

Look up the history of 'turmeric' and you'll understand just why biochemists are slaving away in their labs trying to basically recreate all the chemical properties of turmeric. The FDA won't allow them to patent real turmeric and so they're trying to create their own laboratory created cocktail they can sell on the open market. The above argument? That's precisely the argument which took place concerning turmeric.

If I only wanted to talk about gnosticism this blog'd get boring fast in my mind. Pointing you toward the Ecclesia Gnostica would sound alright in the end, right before I close up shop here for good. But I can't do that. They feel very dogmatic now in my mind. Swaying and leaning toward ritual for ritual's sake. A peek at their sacrament and services list turned me off. E.G. was where I started learning about the real workings of gnosticism but I outgrew it years ago. I just don't roll that way. I like my religious freedom without the walls and Mass visits. Not that I have an E.G. church anywhere near my home but if I did I doubt I'd go.

I want to bring more mundane issues to the blog, not just religious and political opinion and information. So get ready for the weird, the bizarre, and the just plain helpful. You may not use the information or recipes I write about but it'll certainly get you thinking about what kind of options you have that you didn't realize you had before.


Anonymous said...

I think this is wonderful! And please don't stop writing. I love your posts and I haven't read for long. :) Your posts are great and they've helped me.

I started a blog last night because of your blog. :) I don't know what you'll think of it, but you really did inspire me:


Angel said...

Oh, I have no plans to stop writing yet. I like my self-prescribed therapy too much.

I checked out your blog and it's lovely! I'll post a link to it on the blog roll in the Blogging for Freedom section.

Anonymous said...

^_^ Oh, thank-you! I hope my blog will be as helpful to people as yours is to me. :)