Friday, July 16, 2010

Physical Pushing With Lay Gnosis

Last night was a landmark achievement.

Lay gnosis has led me to exploring(unexpectedly and haphazardly, at that) the force of ch-i/qi/ki. Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, etc. All pretty much the same concept of "life force."

How did this happen? I have not the foggiest clue. But I'm pretty amazed so far.

During my nightly session of relaxation and lay gnosis practice(hand trick), I felt a very strong nudge from Pleroma telling me to "push!" with my dominant hand toward my receptive hand. Even with dislocating my right arm two years ago and major nerve and tendon damage, my right hand is still the dominant one in lay gnosis.

Now, I've been practicing 'pushing' on a small scale up 'til now. With my hands an inch or so apart I gently move one or both hands in a small circular motion so that I can literally feel the swirled texture of the energy pattern on the palm. Playing around with that for the past few months has been enough to satisfy me. So when Pleroma suddenly says, "push!" I pushed. HARD. He hasn't led me astray in any way so far so why not trust him now? What's the worst that could happen- absolutely nothing and I feel silly? Please. I have a bit more regard for Pleroma than that. And I knew it was his voice I was hearing.

When I pushed with my right hand against the repelling-magnetic energy field of my left I felt a small layer of the muscles in my stomach tighten and my mind was sharply focused. My left hand moved back about six inches. Toward the end I could even push my left hand back with my hand separated by at least three inches. The force was just as powerful.

I let go of my focus and the energy field dropped. Deep in the area just above my belly button I felt a sort of wide expansion of warm energy which after a heartbeat dimmed and receded. Overall I felt a bit drained.

I was so excited by this new experience that I tried it again only a minute later. The results were kinda pathetic. I could barely manage to make the energy field between my hands at all. I lay back down and rested for about twenty minutes and considered what had happened. Relaxing. I tried again and this time I was able to push my receptive hand back in exactly the same way. The sensation just above my belly button was exactly the same- an expanding bubble of energy and then a soft collapse.

This morning when I woke up I was so tired I actually went back to bed after breakfast and slept another couple of hours. Around three pm I tried to make an energy field and was successful but pushing was only slightly successful. I was tired. So I have resolved to get some writing and research done today.

Wrote to Steve( and he said, "Try your heart chakra next."

Great, Steve. Wonderful. I don't even know how I managed to access my stomach chakra! lol I'm basically flying by the seat of my pants.

Doing some research today I learned that the energy base felt right above the belly button is called the "Manipura" or the Solar Plexus Chakra.
or manipuraka is related to the metabolic and digestive systems. Manipura is believed to correspond to Islets of Langerhans,[35] which are groups of cells in the pancreas, as well as the outer adrenal glands and the adrenal cortex. These play a valuable role in digestion, the conversion of food matter into energy for the body. Symbolised by a lotus with ten petals. The colour that corresponds to Manipura is yellow. Key issues governed by Manipura are issues of personal power, fear, anxiety, opinion-formation, introversion, and transition from simple or base emotions to complex. Physically, Manipura governs digestion, mentally it governs personal power, emotionally it governs expansiveness, and spiritually, all matters of growth.[36]


Paul said...

That's awesome! that belly button area you referred to is called the Dantien in Tai-chi and chigong. Also know as you energy center In Tai-Chi we do a similar exercise. Try pushing your 2 hands together, you can actually feel the air and the energy in between to the point where you can't close your hands, it's way cool. Congratulations I'm excited for you, Paul

Chadly said...

Sounds interesting! I haven't done much with chakras yet, and I've thought about giving Tai Chi a go, but haven't yet. The feeling I got from my energy ball visualizations tired me out at first too, still do sometimes if I get lax in it and take it back up. Interesting trivia is that when I *do* visualize successfully, the color I would always visualize the easiest is yellow.

Angel said...

Paul, I didn't know that feeling this energy field was part of tai-chi preparation. Looking back over that sentence I feel pretty dumb. For obvious reasons but I really can't retract it. Because it really didn't occur to me. tai... CHI?!! Duh. *laugh* Of course the chi is carefully examined and used.

And what you described is exactly what my nightly practice consists of. Focusing on that area between my hands, feeling and finding that field and then ... basically just playing around with it. Most lay gnostics can do a full body pat and feel it on their face, chest, trunk, and legs. Me, I can't. I have a kidney defect which has apparently messed with the 'receptors' in the rest of my body from the neck down for the purpose of feeling chi. I'm not going to give up on it, though. I'll keep trying the full body pat. As long as I can continue working with my hands I'm happy.

Chad, I went back and did some more reading on the manipura chakra and the adrenal glands can get hit pretty hard during this sort of practice. Even with my kidney woes I think even a normal healthy person would have some discomfort and decreased energy. I mean, I felt wiped out after the first successful attempt of pushing!

The color tidbit is most definitely intriguing... I wish I was better at visualization in my practice. I do and then feel. Feel and then do. My psychic eyes are a little near sighted I guess. Maybe that will change when accessing the other chakras?

Does anyone have any ideas on how to access the heart chakra? I'm out of ideas. Steve is mum on the topic. Maybe he's busy. Don't know. But he says it's pretty trippy.

Anahata Yoga was mentioned in my researching this however yoga isn't possible with so many spinal issues. I did Ashtanga yoga for quite a number of years before my body decided to break down. I do my meditating laying down as a result.

I guess savasana is what I gotta stick with. And breathing exercises.

Merry said...

I found this old post looking through the lay gnosis tag. I have trying to get into ta'i chi, and the lay gnosis hand trick is what I've been feeling while doing hand movements. I feel energy moving and pushing and pulling around my hands. I tried the push this with the dominant hand just now against my heart chakra, as it was suggested by Dad: I started laughing like a really funny thing happened and I still want to laugh! I think I needed this as I am to uptight and rigid sometimes. Waaay too serious for my own good. I guess Pleroma wanted me to enjoy a good laugh!

Oh, and I scared my dog. :)


Angel said...

Yup, it'll make you have some very spontaneous reactions. Everyone says just to go with it, no matter what it is. Some people cry, hell some people even pass out! Kinda strange, but opening the heart will have some strange effects on the human body.

Merry, I'm so glad you're feeling the joy of pleroma! :)

Angel said...

Pleroma loves laughter.

www.icanhazcheeseburger This is where I go when I'm in a needy mood but can't relax enough to connect with him.